Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the mainstream treatments against cancer today. Unfortunately, these treatments are often more unpleasant than the disease itself, at least in the short term. Common side effects include pain, exhaustion, hair loss, and extreme nausea, robbing those battling or recovering from cancer of their quality of life, even while that life is being saved. This is because traditional treatments rely on overloading the body with toxic chemicals or radiation, with the aim of killing cancer cells faster than healthy cells. 


For those battling cancer or in remission, the search for a more humane treatment can lead them to turn to unproven and ineffective alternative therapies in the search for something more natural and less toxic. We need a treatment that is effective against cancer, while allowing for health and quality of life throughout their treatment process. 

Artemisia annua is a plant that has been used to treat a range of human diseases for thousands of years, including cancer. Its efficacy comes from its broad and highly effective ability to work against many diseases and unuquels are rare side effects that have occurred. 

While the most well-known key components in Artemisia annua is artemisinin, it also contains more than ten different compounds that are either directly therapeutic against cancer or enhance the other active compounds.  This makes Artemisia annua a naturally occurring, non-toxic combination therapy, meaning that it is exceptionally difficult for cancer to build resistance to this treatment.

Below are the details of several peer-reviewed scientific studies, which have been published on the effectiveness of Artemisia annua as a treatment for cancer. They show that it not only treats the most common and devastating cancers - prostate, breast, and lung - but that artemisinin and its derivatives have shown activity against more than 115 different types of cancers.